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12/03 Weekly creativity contest winner & new prompt

Thanksgiving was the prompt for last week’s creativity contest. Our winner is Debra Bellon. Debra writes: “I finally got my internet connection back after moving (took forever!) and I thought I would celebrate by taking part in my first weekly creativity contest.” Lovely poem, Debra. Your $10 gift certificate has been issued.

Suddenly you wanted to say grace
as though it were something you were used to—
ingrained, like the timbre of your mother’s voice, or
the lines imprinted on your long fingers—and not,
as everyone suspected—a kind of mockery,
aimed at unsettling the believers.
When you laid down your head on clasped hands
it was both calm and urgent, your voice
like milk warmed on a low fire
your eyes pressed closed, as though heavy
with visions of something outside—
the tender blackened branches or
the deep soil, turned hard where the frost settled or
the yellow light from distant rooms, where,
bundled in shadows, other people were gathered
to bow their heads and pray, as you did,
for everything and nothing.


From Kelly Warren, a gorgeous image and prose poem:


Thanksgiving night while my family finishes dinner
I look out the door and see one solitary shrimper.
I wonder if he has a family to share a feast with
or if he’s just taking shelter for the holiday,
looking longingly at the homes along the river,
wondering what it’s like to feel the warmth of kin.


From Cathy Coley, a haiku and image pairing. Cathy writes: “Miranda, there is always more sweet potato pie filling left for ‘souffle’ and the marshmallows are always more burnt b/c it can’t fit on the bottom shelf of the oven w/ the pie. Gotta keep traditions intact!”


Mama Stanley’s Sweet Potato Pie
To her granddaughter
Sweet Southern toasty goodness
Taste is passed — not name.


From me (Miranda):


My Thanksgiving was a little too full of simmer and tang — qualities that were nicely exemplified by my roiling cranberry sauce:




This week’s prompt: “Fire”

Use the prompt however you like — literally, or a tangential theme. All media are welcome. Please e-mail your entries to by 10:00 p.m. eastern time (GMT -5) on Tuesday, December 9. The winning entry receives a $10 gift certificate to Writers should include their submission directly in the body text of their e-mail. Visual artists and photographers should attach an image of their work as a jpeg. Enter as often as you like; multiple submissions for a single prompt are welcome. There is no limit to how many times you can win the weekly contest, either. (You do not have to be a contributor to this blog in order to enter. All are invited to participate.) All submissions are acknowledged when received; if you do not receive e-mail confirmation of receipt within 24 hours, please post a comment here. Remember, the point here is to stimulate your output, not to create a masterpiece. Keep the bar low and see what happens. Dusting off work you created previously is OK too. For more info, read the original contest blog post.

4 Comments Post a comment
  1. cathy #

    wow, debra, very honest and moving poem.

    absolutely gorgeous photo, kelly! and the way you wrote the thought on it is very provoking.

    miranda, gorgeous cranberries! i’m not a fan, but i want to eat yours just watching them boil! sounds like you may have had a similar t-day experience as the one we had here. gotta love family firecracker moments, eh? -seem fueled by packing us all in with loads of food.

    December 3, 2008
  2. beautiful poem, debra! congratulations!

    cathy, i thought stuff that came out of the oven was supposed to look burned on top?!! you mean i’ve been doing it wrong all these years!?!?! 😉

    those cranberries look yummy miranda, though i prefer mine dried and mixed into a nut mix.

    December 3, 2008
  3. A beautiful poem, Debra.

    December 3, 2008
  4. qiubuo #

    Thanks! The weekly contest is great, Miranda, it really got my creative juices (or was it gravy?) flowing! I’m off to download some kids’ music from Amazon, if anyone has any suggestions!

    I love all the photos!

    December 4, 2008

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